How many kids are on the sex offender registry?

[ – 6/12/18]

By Michael M. . . . The headlines today are full of stories of righteous indignation over immigrant children being separated from their families. While that dilemma is certainly newsworthy, the American public seems largely unaware of the fact that tens of thousands of our own children are being taken from their families each year and tossed into a rapacious legal system that chews them up and spits them out as sex offenders As hard as it may be to believe, The Department of Justice estimates that there are at least 89,000 children on the sex offender registry, and it should come as no surprise to anyone that it’s destroying their lives.

Imagine, for a moment, what it would be like to have your child listed publicly on the sex offender registry, complete with a photograph, home address, and even a description of the sex crime that resulted in his (or her) inclusion on the list. Consider what kind of life your child would have if, because of sex offender restrictions, he couldn’t attend school, go to a park or swimming pool, or have a birthday party because other children will be there. Some states simultaneously have laws requiring minors to attend school while at the same time forbidding sex offenders from being anywhere near a school. 44% of sex offenders overall (and presumably juvenile sex offenders, as well) are unable to live with their supportive families due to residency restrictions. Many are forced into foster care, even as bills have been introduced to bar juvenile sex offenders from foster homes and other communal youth facilities.

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As long as it saves just “one child”.

How many kids adults are on the registry that aren’t a legitimate public safety concern?

I sure am glad that I was born in a better time to be a kid , I truly feel for kids now days because this is the most up tight and bland time I have seen , State have aways been after our kids . and each year that go’s by the state is taking more and more of their lives away as well as freedoms . forcing them to be this new brand of person the state want them to be rather than who the child wants to be , Choice is all but gone , its sad as anything in history dumb down some and open doors for others , its been going on for a very long time but the name it different , it was and still is sick ass race control , and then there is drug control , then sex control , then the me too age , I don’t see how kids are suppose to make it these days with out being messed up in the head by the “state” not by some monster in a van and trench coat

Wow, 10% of the registries total! I honestly don’t think the general public is aware of this fact, nor the fact that children as young as 8 are on there, nor the fact that their child could end up on the registry for having normal sexual relations with like-aged piers, nor the fact that sexting is become more and more common of the reason for registration.

I hate everything about the reg. and all the crap laws but sometimes I’m not so sure it’s really the states doing. While they do put all these laws into effect, they do it to make points with the public and if the public was a bit more wise and not so blood thirsty, I don’t see most of these laws being a thing. We are by far the most hated class in the country and the supreme court upheld the right of the people to do as they damn well please with us. So in effect it’s perfectly legal and morally acceptable to be prejudice against us. We are the only class of people to which this applies. People/society need someone to hate. We make easy targets so the state then feeds us to them. There’s actually a vid on youtube that explains peoples need to hate (someone) and it goes back to the beginning of recorded time. It actually lines up perfectly with us and our situation.

Before you slam me for defending them (state/society) understand I’m not excusing a damn thing. But the State may not be the real problem. They tend to reflect the outspoken public. The public on the other hand can be extremely cruel until it’s hard to do. If it’s easy they are all for it, but when there is a cost involved then they are not so keen. I have stated in another post, awhile back, when someone was talking about how we are being killed and it could be used to buy our freedom. I told them (and still believe), it’s not our blood that matters. Only theirs.

AO and Kind, both fair points. But i still hate the public as well. 🙂

80,000 kids currently on the Registries. How many current adult Registrants first joined the list when they were minors? If one crunches basic stats per other recent articles, the overall total jumps a few hundred-thousand.